Classes at Worcester Buddhist Centre
Introductory classes
What to expect
The introductory course is designed for anybody wanting to learn Buddhist Meditation, the basic teachings of Buddhism and how to apply them in modern life. A typical format is a led meditation that lasts around 20 minutes then after a tea break we explore a particular theme of Buddhism.
Classes are run on a donation basis. A suggested amount would be £10.00 but please give according to your circumstances. We do not want cost to be a barrier to people attending.
No experience is necessary. Chairs, cushions, mats and stools are available and you can sit in what ever position you find most comfortable including lying down if necessary.
Generally two main meditations are taught - one to develop increased awareness (mindfulness) and one to increase positive emotion (kindness to ourselves and others). The major Buddhist themes covered are ethics and its relevance to modern life, the purpose of meditation and how it works and the Buddhist presentation of wisdom.
On a typical course:
No prior knowledge is expected.
There is a friendly atmosphere.
We have small groups where it feels safe to discuss our experiences.
Participants are asked to commit to trying out what is taught in-between the classes.
A course consists of a set of classes that build on themes each week - The more you can attend the more you will develop and the more your life will benefit.
Please do not ask to attend a regulars’ class unless you have attended a Triratna introductory course at any Triratna centre or group.
If you think your mental health may not be suitable for meditation please consult your doctor first. For example, meditation is not recommended for someone suffering deeply from depression or any other serious mental health issue.
Accessibility: The ground floor where classes are usually held is wheelchair accessible.

Regulars classes
Thursday evenings
19.15 - 21.30
Saturday mornings
10.00 - 12.30
These naturally follow on from the Triratna introductory course.
Regulars classes are for anyone who has completed a Triratna Buddhist introductory course. They have a similar format to the introductory classes. There is meditation and exploration of a theme. The meditations are longer - about 40 to 50 minutes and are usually led without guidance. Themes are explored in more depth and over longer periods of time.
Please do not ask to attend a regulars’ class unless you have attended a Triratna introductory course at any Triratna centre or group.